7 Customer Engagement Models You Can Adapt For Success

Customer engagement lies at the heart of business success, shaping how brands interact with their customers. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, businesses are adopting diverse customer engagement success models to cater to varying needs and preferences.

There are many different customer engagement models that businesses can adapt to achieve success. In this article, we will discuss 7 customer engagement models that you can adapt for success and help you determine which model is right for your business.

High Touch Onboarding Model

When welcoming new customers, the high touch onboarding model emphasizes personalized attention. This model involves dedicated interaction with customers, guiding them through the initial setup and helping them get acquainted with the product or service. 

Through direct communication and personalized support, businesses build strong relationships from the start. This approach is particularly beneficial for complex offerings that require hands-on guidance.

Low Touch Onboarding Model

For products or services with a simpler learning curve, the low touch onboarding model is preferred. It minimizes direct interaction and encourages self-service. 

In this approach, companies provide customers with comprehensive resources such as video tutorials, FAQs, and online guides, enabling them to explore and adopt the product independently. 

The low touch approach is scalable, making it ideal for large customer bases.

High Touch Post Onboarding Model

Engagement doesn't end after onboarding; it's an ongoing process. The high touch post onboarding model involves consistent and personalized interaction to nurture customer relationships. 

This can include regular check-ins, personalized recommendations, and addressing specific needs as they arise. By providing ongoing value and support, businesses strengthen customer loyalty and foster long-term engagement.

Low Touch Post Onboarding Model

For customers who prefer autonomy, the low touch post onboarding model maintains engagement through automated processes and targeted resources. 

Automated emails, notifications, and contextual help guides ensure customers receive timely assistance without overwhelming them. 

This approach strikes a balance between staying engaged and respecting customers' desire for independence.

Evergreen Engagement Model

The evergreen engagement model focuses on creating timeless content and resources that consistently attract and engage customers. 

By developing high-quality content, businesses establish themselves as industry authorities and sources of valuable information. 

This content, whether blog posts, videos, or webinars, continues to engage customers long after its creation, driving sustained interest and brand loyalty.

Retention Model

Acquiring new customers is essential, but retaining existing ones is equally vital. The retention model places emphasis on maintaining strong connections with current customers. 

Loyalty programs, exclusive offers, and personalized rewards create a sense of belonging and encourage customers to stick around. By valuing and rewarding loyal customers, businesses reduce churn and foster enduring relationships.

Hybrid Models

In many cases, a single customer success engagement approach is not sufficient. Hybrid models combine elements from different engagement strategies to cater to diverse customer segments. 

For instance, a business might use high touch onboarding for premium customers who require personalized attention, while employing a low touch post onboarding approach for those who prefer self-service. 

Hybrid models allow businesses to tailor their engagement strategies to suit varying customer preferences.

Which Customer Engagement Model Is Right For You?

Choosing the right customer engagement model depends on your product, audience, and goals. 

For complex offerings, the High Touch Onboarding Model provides personalized guidance, building strong relationships. The Low Touch Onboarding Model suits simpler products, enabling self-service and scalability. Hybrid Models combine strategies for diverse preferences, and so on. 

It is also important to note that not all customers and clients within your audience are the same. Some may respond to a profuse amount of hand-holding, while others prefer to be left alone to figure out the product or service they bought.

To maximize chances of customer success, assess various segments of your audience and select the model that aligns best with your business's unique needs.